The Pros and Cons of Ohio’s No-Fault Auto Insurance System

At Schneider Insurance Agency, we believe there are both drawbacks and advantages to the no-fault insurance system that Gahanna, OH offers. For example, one pro is just how efficient the system is at processing insurance claims. Since you are part of a no-fault system, it won’t be necessary to wait for the outcome of lengthy investigations conducted by the local police. Every party simply pays for his or her own property damage and medical expenses. Claims are settled quickly, and compensation is received in a prompt manner.

Another advantage is that there are far fewer lawsuits clogging up the court systems that arise from auto accidents. Regardless of fault, drivers are reimbursed by their own insurance companies, so there really is no need to engage in legal battles to prove liability. And, because litigation costs are much lower in the Gahanna, OH area, many vehicle owners pay lower premiums than those in neighboring states. While lawsuits do still occur, they are usually only brought forth in matters of severe injuries.

That all said, there are some disadvantages to this system. For one, it can actually have the opposite effect and result in higher premiums for some. While the process was developed with the idea of streamlining everything for everyone involved, the costs of covering your own damages each time that you get into a traffic accident can get costly fast. That means some companies may charge all of their insured higher premiums to make up the difference.

However, perhaps the biggest setback associated with the no-fault system is the fact that it discourages responsible driving. Ohio law states that innocent victims must share the financial burdens of auto accidents with those who are culpable. Therefore, there really is no reward for being a careful and reliable driver.

Schedule A Consultation Today

If you are confused or have further questions about this tricky system, don’t hesitate to call us at Schneider Insurance Agency in Gahanna, OH. We would be happy to take your questions and provide you with the reassuring answers that you need.

Can Commercial Insurance Protect Merchandise from Theft?

For business-owning residents of Gahanna, OH, our team of qualified insurance professionals at Schneider Insurance Agency wants to ensure that your commercial enterprise has all of the protections it needs to succeed in our commercial insurance policies. As any business owner will know, retail theft is a common cause of suffering for businesses. When your store or other business is taking a hit from stolen merchandise, you may feel helpless.

You may also wonder what you can do on a practical level to financially recover from this problem. Commercial insurance policies may vary in terms of their limits and what they can cover. Still, you might find that a commercial insurance policy could protect your business against theft in certain qualifying ways.

Could a Commercial Insurance Policy Help Protect Merchandise from Theft?

Whether you notice a theft problem during your quarterly inventory assessment or you see tags from merchandise stuffed in fitting rooms and other areas of your store without the matching item in sight, you may feel hopeless and worry that your business is doomed. After all, when a piece of merchandise is stolen from the sales floor, it takes away your opportunity to sell that item and make a profit. What’s more, it eats into your profits since your business has already spent money on stocking that item. 

Some commercial insurance policies may cover the costs of replacing stolen merchandise. Others might not. To determine whether your commercial insurance policy covers stolen merchandise, you should speak with one of our agents. If your policy doesn’t already have retail theft coverage, you might need to get other types of coverage to qualify for this protection.

To discover how you can protect your business with our policies in Gahanna, OH, call Schneider Insurance Agency.

Do I need to keep homeowners insurance even after I pay off my house?

Paying off your house is a dream come true for many. Your home is usually your biggest investment and your most valuable asset. When your mortgage is new, you may even have to pay special mortgage insurance until you pay off a certain percentage. Homeowners and mortgage insurance may be requirements of your lender or government programs that finance your loan.

But do you need to continue to pay for homeowners insurance on your Gahanna, OH after your mortgage is paid off? We at Schneider Insurance Agency want to help you understand your risks so you are comfortable with your level of protection.

Here are the main reasons you should continue to protect your home with homeowners insurance:

  1. Your home is still vulnerable to the same risks you were vulnerable to before. The difference is that you no longer share an interest with your mortgage holder. If something happens, you are 100% responsible.
  2. Your homeowners’ policy provides protection against lawsuits. Liability insurance is included so if someone comes onto your property and gets injured, your insurance will pay. Homeowners insurance typically pays for your legal representation in these cases too.
  3. If your home is destroyed or temporarily unlivable, you might not have a place to stay while waiting for repairs or rebuilding. Homeowners insurance can pay for temporary housing and will even cover additional expenses, such as the added cost of eating out. 
  4. Maintaining homeowners insurance gives you the peace of mind you need to live comfortably.

Reach Out To Us

Protecting your Gahanna, OH home is probably one of your top priorities. You need a safe home for yourself and your family. If you have any questions or if you want to make sure you are comfortable with your current level of protection, please call Schneider Insurance Agency today.

Should You Add Your Teen to Your Auto Insurance?

Conventional wisdom says that when your teenager reaches driving age, you add them to your auto insurance. Here at Schneider Insurance Agency, we want you to know that making that choice may not suit your needs, and it could cost you more money.

Adding an adult, who also resides in Gahanna, OH may not hurt your premium costs, providing they have a good credit score and clean driving record. Adding a teen to your policy opens you to new risk factors, and this can increase your premiums. Teens exhibit some of the riskiest driving and have the least experience on the road.

A Better Solution for Teen Auto Insurance

Schneider Insurance Agency suggests a safer solution that can also help your teenager learn about adult responsibilities. Help your teen apply for their own auto insurance. They can obtain an auto policy in their own name. Have them pay for the premiums with their own money from an after-school job or savings.

This option protects you from increased risk factors and premium increases. It also teaches teens financial responsibility and provides them with a basis for establishing a credit record. By setting up an auto payment for the monthly premium, they build a record of paying a crucial bill on time.

Insurance companies don’t always report to credit bureaus, but they do when an individual misses a payment or lets their insurance lapse. Helping your teenager establish their own auto insurance policy helps them build a credit history while still in high school, and that can lead to lower interest rates on college or vocational school loans and credit cards.

Contact Us Today

Call or email Schneider Insurance Agency, serving Gahanna, OH to get your teenager’s application started before they hit the road. Let us help you protect your and your family’s financial security.

Four of the most common mistakes business owners make regarding commercial insurance

Commercial insurance is a necessity for business owners in Gahanna, OH. At Schneider Insurance Agency, we can insure your business and protect your company’s finances.

The following are four of the most common mistakes business owners make regarding commercial insurance. 

Assuming that you don’t need cybersecurity insurance on your policy

Cybersecurity insurance is a type of commercial insurance that is easy to overlook. However, it also can be a highly valuable type of coverage.

If your company has any sensitive information stored online or on a computer network, investing in cybersecurity insurance is a good idea. 

Thinking that your business is too small to need insurance

Don’t make the mistake of neglecting to invest in commercial insurance because you think that your business is too small to need it. Businesses of all sizes can benefit from commercial insurance coverage. 

Being unfamiliar with laws in your state that impact commercial insurance requirements

Commercial insurance is required by law in many circumstances. You need to make sure that you’re meeting any legal obligations your company faces with the commercial insurance you carry.

You may be required to carry workers’ compensation and commercial auto insurance if you employ staff and use vehicles for business operations. 

Never updating your commercial insurance policy

You need to adapt your commercial insurance policy to your business’s needs. These needs won’t stay the same indefinitely. Update your policy periodically to make sure that you have the coverage you need despite changes and growth at your company. 

Reach Out To Us

If you are a business owner in Gahanna, OH, you need commercial insurance. We can insure your business at Schneider Insurance Agency. Contact us by phone or online so that you can learn more about our policy offerings. 

Does Home Insurance Protect My Home from Water Damage?

No one relishes the thought of waking up to a flood in their home due to broken water pipes. But it can happen. Fortunately, standard home insurance from Schneider Insurance Agency in Gahanna, OH will generally cover this type of disaster so you can recuperate your losses. Not all water damage, however, is covered under standard home policies. By reviewing your policy, you’ll gain a better understanding of the protection you have so you can be prepared for any eventuality.

Understanding Water Damage Coverage

Generally, home insurance will protect you from water damage that occurs accidentally and abruptly from sources within your home such as a burst water pipe or appliance overflow. 

Water damage caused by outside flood waters, however, is not covered by home insurance. If you live in an area where flooding is a risk due to water surges or extensive rainfall, you can obtain flood coverage by purchasing flood insurance. Adding flood insurance to your home policy provides you with an extra layer of protection against water damage disasters. 

Exceptions to Water Damage Coverage

As a homeowner, you’re responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of your property. If water damage occurs in your home due to improper maintenance or carelessness on your part, your claim may be denied.

By addressing issues that can lead to water damage in a timely manner, you can protect your home and property from water damage disasters. This includes dealing with leaky faucets, replacing worn pipes, fixing broken hoses on washers, dishwashers, and refrigerators, and replacing old, worn roof tiles to keep water from leaking into your home.

Insure Your Home Against Water Damage!

To learn more about insurance options to safeguard your home from water damage, contact Schneider Insurance Agency in Gahanna, OH today!

Auto Insurance Add-Ons To Boost Your Protection

As insurance experts, we understand that car insurance can be a confusing topic to navigate. However, with the right auto insurance add-ons, you can create tailored coverage to meet your unique needs. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top auto insurance add-ons to boost your protection in Gahanna, OH.

Auto Insurance Add-Ons

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage extends an umbrella of protection to your vehicle and covers any damages caused by natural disasters, theft, or vandalism. Therefore, you can rest easy knowing you’re covered if a branch falls on your vehicle or if someone breaks into your car.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

The resulting costs can be overwhelming if you’re involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. We recommend adding uninsured motorist coverage to your auto insurance policy. This coverage can help pay for any medical expenses, vehicle repairs, or other damages the uninsured driver may have caused.

Personal Injury Protection

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is an auto insurance add-on that can help cover your medical expenses, rehabilitation, and other costs associated with an accident, regardless of who’s at fault. This coverage can be beneficial if your health insurance doesn’t cover all the treatments for your injuries.

Roadside Assistance

We recommend adding roadside help to your auto insurance policy at Schneider Insurance Agency, as it can provide invaluable resources in case of a breakdown or an accident on the road. With this add-on, you’ll have access to 24/7 roadside assistance, which can help with everything from changing a tire to towing your vehicle to a nearby auto shop.

With these auto insurance add-ons added to your policy, you can be confident that you’re fully protected on the road. To learn more about insurance add-ons available in Gahanna, OH, contact our team at Schneider Insurance Agency for more info.

Top 5 Ohio Commercial Insurance Myths Debunked

Are you a small business owner and thinking about investing in commercial business insurance? Don’t let the size of your business keep you from making a sound financial investment to protect your company. 

Many small business owners make the mistake of thinking that they can’t afford (or don’t need) commercial insurance. Schneider Insurance Agency debunks five common myths about commercial insurance for small business owners in Gahanna, OH.

5 Myths About Commercial Insurance

Myth #1. Small businesses don’t need commercial insurance. 

The size of your business doesn’t prevent it from facing the same challenges as mega-sized corporations when it comes to property damage, data loss, or data theft from cyberattacks. 

Myth #2. My business insurance covers all types of liability, so I don’t need it. 

While standard business insurance may cover certain liability costs, this general insurance may not be what you need. 

Myth #3. Having worker’s compensation insurance is optional. 

Most employers in Ohio are required to have adequate worker’s compensation insurance. This mutually beneficial protection helps replace lost wages and pay medical expenses for employees who are injured on the job. 

Myth #4. I can’t afford to buy commercial insurance.

Ohio commercial insurance is surprisingly affordable when you have the right rate or even bundle your commercial insurance. 

Schneider Insurance Agency in Gahanna, OH can help you find the best commercial insurance policy to protect your business. 

Myth #5. My auto insurance policy is enough to cover my business fleet. 

If you own and operate a fleet of trucks, cargo vans, and other commercial vehicles, your personal auto insurance policy doesn’t offer enough insurance to cover them. 

Get Commercial Insurance in Ohio 

Are you a small business owner looking for commercial insurance in Gahanna, OH? Contact Schneider Insurance Agency to get a commercial insurance quote and protect your business operations today! 

Important Home Insurance Coverages to Consider During the Winter Season

Winter in Gahanna, OH brings a slew of concerns due to the cold weather, snow, blizzards, frozen pipes, landscaping damage, and power outages. Unfortunately, there is no winter insurance, but home insurance will always cover winter-related damages.

As a homeowner, it is also your responsibility to take the necessary precautions and prepare your home for harsh weather. Schneider Insurance Agency advises you to review your home insurance policy to ensure you have adequate coverage.

Here are some of the coverages to think about:

Bodily Injury Liability

During the winter, the ground outside is frequently wet and slippery. You could be held liable for medical bills if a neighbor or visitor slips and falls. If the person decides to sue you, your home insurance may cover the legal fees as well. Roof collapse and falling trees are two other accidents that could cause injuries at home.

Dwelling and Other Structures Coverage

During the winter, rainwater can cause damage to your walls, roof, floor, pipes, and landscaping. It should be noted that flooding is not covered by home insurance. Dwelling and other structure coverages can assist you in repairing or replacing damaged areas of your home.

Personal Property Damage

Heavy snow may create a lovely white blanket in your backyard, but it may also cause serious damage to your home. Heavy snow on your roof can be a major source of concern because it can damage the roof or, worse, cause it to collapse, causing damage to your personal property such as furniture.

Insure Your Home with Us

If you’re looking to insure your home in the Gahanna, OH area then know that Schneider Insurance Agency offers reliable and affordable home insurance solutions that meet your needs, lifestyle, and budget. Feel free to call and book your appointment with us today!

Important Home Insurance Coverages to Consider During the Winter Season

Winter in Gahanna, OH brings a slew of concerns due to the cold weather, snow, blizzards, frozen pipes, landscaping damage, and power outages. Unfortunately, there is no winter insurance, but home insurance will always cover winter-related damages.

As a homeowner, it is also your responsibility to take the necessary precautions and prepare your home for harsh weather. Schneider Insurance Agency advises you to review your home insurance policy to ensure you have adequate coverage.

Here are some of the coverages to think about:

Bodily Injury Liability

During the winter, the ground outside is frequently wet and slippery. You could be held liable for medical bills if a neighbor or visitor slips and falls. If the person decides to sue you, your home insurance may cover the legal fees as well. Roof collapse and falling trees are two other accidents that could cause injuries at home.

Dwelling and Other Structures Coverage

During the winter, rainwater can cause damage to your walls, roof, floor, pipes, and landscaping. It should be noted that flooding is not covered by home insurance. Dwelling and other structure coverages can assist you in repairing or replacing damaged areas of your home.

Personal Property Damage

Heavy snow may create a lovely white blanket in your backyard, but it may also cause serious damage to your home. Heavy snow on your roof can be a major source of concern because it can damage the roof or, worse, cause it to collapse, causing damage to your personal property such as furniture.

Insure Your Home with Us

If you’re looking to insure your home in the Gahanna, OH area then know that Schneider Insurance Agency offers reliable and affordable home insurance solutions that meet your needs, lifestyle, and budget. Feel free to call and book your appointment with us today!